Craig Towler: Leg Amputation Hasn't Slowed Him Down - Kill Cliff

Craig Towler: Leg Amputation Hasn't Slowed Him Down

The Fourth of July is usually a day that Americans spend celebrating the birth of our country. For Craig Towler, it will always be the anniversary of the day that changed his life forever. On Independence Day in 2016, Towler was unloading his SUV after working at a race all morning when he felt an impact that forced his body forward into his car. Before he could even comprehend what happened, he looked down and saw his two legs were detached from his body. Towler had been hit from behind by a car. Immediately, Craig instructed his friends to wrap their belts around his legs to act as tourniquets. If it weren't for his awareness in the situation, his friends, and paramedics, Craig would have bled out and died at the scene of the accident, Though they were able to save his life, they were not able to save his legs. 

It would be so easy for people to give up on life after dealing with an injury of that severity, but Craig was determined to make the best out of this situation. Craig has taken everything in stride and found his new normal. Towler's has taken to social media to inspire people to keep moving through the obstacles in their life. He has started a foundation called Amputee Concierge, which is a 100% free resource for amputees and their families geared toward helping find answers to everyday questions a new amputee or family member may encounter. 

Towler embodies the "Kill the Quit" attitude as well as anyone does. His incredible outlook on life and ability to fight through adversity makes him a perfect addition to the Kill Cliff Warriors. 

Continue reading to learn more about Towler's accident and recovery. 

KC: What has been the biggest adjustment in your life since the accident?

CT: Just learning how to fit back into my everyday life. I had new challenges and rehab to deal with while also trying to balance the things I was doing in my life previously. Trying to find a balance between my new life and old life was the biggest adjustment.

KC: An accident like that could give many people a negative outlook on life. How have you been able to remain positive throughout this process?

CT: I had tons of support from my girlfriend, family, and community. They gave me the support system I needed to remain positive. I knew life was going to be different, but I had to keep moving forward and not let this hold me back.

KC: How has fitness helped you throughout your process?

CT: Fitness has been extremely important throughout this whole process. Maintaining my fitness helps me be more functional in my everyday life. Having strength helps make things in life like getting in and out of bed or using the bathroom much easier. Fitness also brings normality to my life. I still love that post-workout feeling.

KC: What is your message to anyone battling through adversity?

CT: Keep moving despite obstacles or hardships. Spend little time focusing on the negatives. Bad things are going to happen. If you can focus on the positives it will make life a lot easier.

KC: What does Kill the Quit mean to you?

CT:  Quit doesn’t exist. It’s not an option. You can’t stop and must persevere. I think I embody Kill the Quit, because I’m not going to give up.

Click here to read Craig's blog and learn more about Amputee Concierge